Adjusting to college-level coursework is always a challenge, but students entering online college degree programs face other adjustments, too. If you want to make the most of your online experience and succeed in your desired field of study, use these four tips.
- Master the Technology
No matter how much you study or how thoroughly you complete the assignments, you can’t succeed if you can’t master the methods for accessing resources and submitting you work. Knowing how to use computers, webcams, message boards, library portals, and file-sharing programs may all be crucial to your success in an online college degree program. Practice using everything and know who to go to when you have questions.
- Stick to a Routine
Without any stern disciplinarians taking attendance or a bell to remind you that you’re running late, it can be easy to blow off your online college coursework. To avoid giving into this temptation, create a schedule just like you would for traditional college courses – and stick to it. Wake up at the same time, set aside particular hours of the day for studying, and keep up on reading assignments so you won’t get behind.
- Create a Positive Environment
It might seem fun to study at a local coffee shop or sit in bed to review your study guide for an upcoming quiz, but you have to set yourself up for success by creating a work environment that is conducive to success. Coffee shops are full of noise and distractions, and studying in bed can make you feel sleepy. Define a space that stimulates and motivates you to be successful, and stick to doing your schoolwork there.
- Beware Time Burglars
Perhaps the biggest obstacle to success in an online degree program is the sheer number of other things you could do with your time when you’re in the comfort of your own home. Your smartphone, television, well-stocked fridge, and stack of magazines may be calling your name while you attempt to focus on a biology lecture. Guard against these so-called time burglars stealing your focus by doing things like keeping your phone in another room or making rules for yourself about remaining at your desk during certain hours.
Online college degree programs offer incredible advantages – so long as you’re prepared to adjust to virtual work. Use the tips above to stay on track and find success in your chosen program.
Image via Unsplash/Evan Mach